Thursday, May 22, 2008

Just another day in paradise!

Too bad the weather doesn't match my cheery attitude! Well, there has been a ton and then again not too much going on. Cale and Boady are going like crazy. I started feeding them some vegetables now. They LOVE it. So far they have gotten squash and carrots. They eat a ton. They are definitely growing boys, that's for sure.

Cale Gary Baker

Boady Leland Baker

Then, we were at Mom and Dad's house the other day and Griffen was having a blast playing with the baby calves and looking at the horses. He really didn't want to touch any of them but when Uncle Jesse and Aunt Laura took him outside he was totally interested in the horses. He even got on Griz, the stupid roping horse that bucks all the time. Yeah, I know, we are crazy but he was really good with Griff on his back!

Then we are all getting ready for Jesse and Laura's wedding. I wanted to shave Griffen's hair so that it would be smoothed out by the time the wedding is here. He was such a good boy, just sitting like a good kid. I let him try a little with close supervision. He didn't actually shave any but it was picture perfect anyway.

Then we threw a bachelorette party for Laura. The cake was perfect. Brad's sister Carla made it for us.

Here is Laura on her special day with a couple of friends from school.

Here are Cale and Boady playing in the grass. Cale loves the grass, Boady is pretty much indifferent to it. They were good while I did a tiny bit of yard work. They are finally starting to get out of the house more and enjoy it. We go to church every week and we have also been going to more of Laura's rodeo's. We also go to WalMart and the mall once in a while just to practice getting out of the house. It has been going good. I need to get a picture of them in their jammin double stroller. I will work on it!