Sunday, February 3, 2008

Finally, an update

Sorry that it has been so long since I have posted. I have been having some internet problems. Things are going very well for all of us Bakers. Griffen is enjoying the snow and has a great time playing in it!

He also likes to watch it snow out the window. The other night Brad and I were getting ready for volleyball and Griffen wanted to play. Here is a picture of him in Brad's knee pads:

Then, the other day Brad and I were gone all day and Grandma Bene and Amuma watched all three boys. They were very good. Here is a picture of the twins with Amuma:

I will be taking Cale and Boady to the doctor soon for their two month check-up. I cannot wait to see how much they weigh! They are growing fast. Here are a couple of pictures of the boys in some new outfits from a friend:

Cale is in the brown and Boady is in the stripes.