Saturday, January 12, 2008

Not a lot new to report...

But, no news is good news. Things around here are great. The biggest excitement of our day is trying to quiz people as to who is who. The boys are looking more and more alike every day!

This is Boady on the top and Cale on the bottom. They do like to smile but mommy is not fast enough with the camera! When Griffen was a baby, it was easy to have the camera at the ready but now that Griffen is a "big boy," we have to keep lots of things out of reach. The little poop knows how to use electronics at least as well as his dad does! Ha ha ha. But the other day he called mom while playing with my cell phone and he knows how to review the pictures on the camera too.

Here is Griffen outside playing in the snow. He definitely gets cabin fever. Brad has been really good about trying to find time each day to take him out and get a little fresh air. Brad said that on this particular day, it was warmer and snow was melting off the roof. Well Griff enjoyed standing under the water running off the roof and letting it drip on his hood. Thank goodness for the winter coat from cousin Micah. It is waterproof and perfect for taking a winter shower. He also likes to stomp out designs in the snow with his new snow boots. He is getting to be so big now that he is a big brother.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Another pediatrician appointment.

Well, the boys went to the doctor again today and all is well. We have two perfectly healthy little boys. Cale weighed in at 5 lb 13 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. Boady weighed in at 5 lb 3 oz and was 18 3/4 inches long. We are now free and clear. We just have to go back in two months for a normal recheck. That is a wonderful feeling after having worried about the little guys. I know, I know, that is what it's like being a mother. Lots and lots of worry. Griffen continues to love his little brothers. He gives us an anatomy lesson each time we change a diaper: "Griffen's feet, Boady's feet, Cale's feet. Griffen's head, Boady's head, Cale's head." Etc, etc, etc. It is fun to see him interact a little with his brothers.